Friday, October 11, 2024



Hello there, today, as a celebration of halloween, I would like to talk about three things that, according to Japanese folklore, happend during the night.

I just expect you to enjoy these stories, and i wish you a happy halloween.


Also known as the hour of meeting evil spirits.

This is the twiligh hour between the sun setting and the point in which the sky is completely dark, the moment between night and day in which none of them is complete, when shadows swallow everything and your eyes begin to play tricks on your mind, and the border between the sekai, the human world, and the ikai, the other world is thinner and the evil spirts can move freely between the two world: that is the moment when yōkai, yūrei and all the dark things can come to human world.

The appearance of yōkai during this momento is said to be accompanied by a few signs: a sudden cold wind blowing, a strange smell in the air, a sudden onset of darkness or even a sudden chill that causes one’s hairs to stand on end.

We must not forget that humans and spirits usually have separate existences in different worlds, and when those worlds crash, things tend to become chaotic, particularly for humans.

In order to avoid meeting these evil spirts that appear during the night, people would head home, as soon as the un set, and stay inside until morning, but, woodcutters sleeping in mountain huts hear something cutting down the tres at night, and find no evidence of it in the morning, they also speak that phantom waterfalls can be heard where there are no waterfalls for miles around, also they speak of strange laughter and voices of inhuman things echoed throughout the forests.

Sometimes, children who wandered away from the village and got lost in the moutains could be spirited away by otherworldly things and taken to another world,  sometimes they return years later...

The first tales of encounters between humans and spirits come frome woodsmen, travelers and peoplewhose livelihoods forced them away from the safety of their homes and villages at night, these people would return to their homes in the morning tellin stories ofeerie experiences after twilight, and with time, these stories developed into the earliest superstitions.


Also known as hyakki yakō or the night parade of one hundred demons. This parade travels travels throughout Japan, appearing on inauspicious nights each month

The hyakki yagyō is the dreaded night parade of one hundred demons, an event when all the supernatural creatures leave their homes and parade through the streets of Japan in one massive spectacle of utter pandemónium, in some ways, it resembles a traditional Japanese festival filled with songs and chants, dancing, and merriment. The parade is said to be led by nurarihyon, nozuchi, and otoroshi.

Usually the interactions of the hyakki yagyō involve humans that are fool enough to be outside during the nights of the parade or just curious enough to peek out of their windows in hopes of catching a glimpse of the supernatural, these humans are either killed or spirited away by the monsters as a sort of punishment for looking upon that which must not be seen.

Acording to Shūgaishō (a medieval Japanese enciclopedia)the only way to keep safe from the night parade should it come by your home is to stay inside on the specific nights associated with the Chinese zodiac on which the night parade is said to be held. Those who hear the pandemonium parade pass by their homes should chant this magic spell:




The Hinode is the sunrise, the break of dawn, and the end of the power of the evil spirits over the human world, the momento when the light of the sun banishes yokais, ghosts and demons back to the places from which they came and as a result, as the morning light fills the shadows, unknown things no longer lurk and strange shapes no longer hide among the trees.

The time of meeting evil spirits is over and the world is safe for humans…

Where can you find the information about Japanese ghost on the Internet?: you can check the web:

Saturday, October 5, 2024


 Hello there, today, as we are finally in October, I would like to recomend you a couple of things for next halloween, enjoy the festivity.


This first recomendation brings us a collection of tales about gohst and supernatural.

The book will help you spending a good time, but I must say that when I read it (between the end of 2023 and the begining of 2024) my impression about it was that the stories were a bit irregular: there were a few ones that were quite good, but there were others not so good, in the sense that they did not give that sense of horror that you will find in other recopilation of stories of this tipe.

Personally, I recomend you this book, just for that stories that are relatively good


In this second point, we find a film base on a specific chapter of the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker, specifically the chapter centered in the diary of the ship mentioned in the title, which, acordind to the plot of the novel, tranasports Dracula from his castle in the Carpathians (in Romania) to Whitby (in the United Kingdom)

This film is quite effective, in the sense that all the characters are stuck in a small space with something that begins killing the animals they heve in the ship and then it begins killing all the people travelling with it, plus the atmostphere is quite dark, part of the plot takes place during the night, which makes the situation quite more unconfortable.

I am not sure if I have recomended it, but I want to recomend you that if you haven’t read the book, give Dracula (and the story Dracula’s guest) a chance, you will enjoy deading it,


These recomendations come directly from Harry Potter’s universe, both tales come from the volume The tales of Beedle the Bard, and both of them are quite intresting.

The first one follows a wizard who decides that love is a burden so he locks his heart in a trunk with horrible consecuences.

The second one (the tale of the three brothers) is told on the last book (Harry Potter and the deathly hallows) of the Harry Potter series, and follows three brothers who are able to win death, who, in return, gives them a gigft to each one.

Both tales are quite dark, the first one, as I mentioned before is centered on the consecuences of the decission taken by the wizard and its consecuences (which are really bad), while the second tale, reflects, as the own book mentions, on the problems brought from trying to avoid death.


This last recomendation comes from the imagination of Birtish autor Neil Gaiman, and it follows a child name Coraline who feels lonely, after she moves, with her parents, to a house in which she finds a strange door that goes to a world very similar to the “normal” one and in which, everyone seem happy to have her around.

In the case of this short book, the story is really terrifying mainly because the author plays with a normal family and a weird world, quite similar to Coraline’s house and family and in which she can get whatever she wants, the problema is that nothing is what it seems.

This book has been adapted into a stopmotion film, with the same title, and it also has a parody on a Halloween special from The Simpsons (I think it was titled Coralisa)



  Hello there, today, as a celebration of halloween, I would like to talk about three things that, according to Japanese folklore, happend d...